Tag Archives: words

Stop Talking About Me!

Have you ever talked about someone, negatively? Of course, we all have. It’s not one of our finer qualities. Speaking about someone negatively has ruined many relationships. This is a habit that we need to fight and try to do better.

Then I had this thought.

How often do we speak about ourselves negatively? You know that little inner voice that repeats itself over and over. That voice says things like you’re not good, pretty, or strong enough. This voice will remind you all the reason you worry. This inner voice will bring up all your fears. When you mess up in life this voice will say “you’re stupid, you deserve what you get.” “You can’t do that” the voice will repeat. We can be way more critical to ourselves than others.
Speaking to and about ourselves negatively is just as bad as speaking about others.

If we don’t train our mouth, it will naturally drift toward the negative.

You have the power of life and death in your tongue. (Proverbs 18:21)

Famed MLB pitcher now a mental consultant, Bob Tewksbury coaches athletes to use anchor statements to silence the inner critic. This is great wisdom!

What would it look like if we created simple, truthful statements that we can repeat when the inner critic rises up? Statements like…
I am faithful, strong and passionate!
I possess strength, love, and self-control!
I am creative and courageous!
I have ability and live in abundance!
I belong to God! God says I’m worthy, lovable, and enough.
I have everything I need to do everything God wants me to do!

Statements like these are tied to the truth of God’s word and create a sure foundation for life.

Your emotions follow your words!

If we speak truth over our life our emotions will naturally flow toward strength and peace.
If we speak lies and slander over our life our emotions will follow with fear.

Do you have anchor statements that you currently speak over your life? If so, share.

If not, develop a few.

I said to myself, self stop talking about me!