Tag Archives: wisdom

Are you Inspired?


Most people, when encountered with something great someone else has built, walk away inspired. 

Honest people say maybe I can do it too. 

And they walk away feeling encouraged. 

But watch out! 

Some look at what you have built and say I want it. 

I want what you have, And I will do whatever it takes to take it away from you!

They don’t want to do the hard work of building. They want to reap your rewards.  

When my reality is your dream how do you respond? 

When my dream is your reality, I will honor you and be inspired.  

Who inspires you?  

Ideas we are taking into 2021

4 ideas we are taking into 2021. 

I know we are excited to see 2021. And that’s because 2020 was CRAZY. Hopes for a new year and new you quickly turned to hoarding toilet paper. Toilet Paper! Do we know yet what the need for hoarding toilet paper was all about? Crazy moments help us welcome new days. So, we welcome 2021 and say adios to 2020. 

“The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it.” ― Rafiki

Here are 4 ideas that we learned in 2020 that we will be taking into 2021. 

Everybody needs somebody. When something is taken away, we then see it’s importance. 2020 has taught us the importance of community. We need each other! We will strive to be givers of grace in all our communities and continue to build healthy relationships. 

A rested you is a better you. Our frantic pace of life can outpace God. It was interesting to see how beautiful our world is without all the hustle during the lockdowns of 2020. I don’t want to be forced to rest in 2021 with more lockdowns. I want to be intentional with my rest and pace of life. #youareblessedifyourest

Simple is Spiritual. There is a place for the deep things of God. But it’s in the simple every day things done well and consistently that cause us to go forward in life, and help us to suffer less. Our spiritual lives are essential to our overall health.

"Hard things ain't bad things!" Share on X

Fun is Essential. “Laughter does good like a medicine.” If there is one thing 2020 has taught us, is that life is fragile. So make it a point to enjoy every single aspect of it. We often try to make a perfect life without any thought about enjoying said life. Embrace the dance even if you don’t dance; Or don’t dance well. Kool & the Gang said, “How you gonna do it if you really don’t wanna dance by standing on the wall? Get down on it!”

“It’s the rain that makes the flowers grow.”

What are you taking from 2020 into 2021? 

Growth Plan Part 1

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

Every year we have a new opportunity to revise our plans. At the end of one year, we can look back and examine what worked and what didn’t. Then make adjustments and grow into a new year.

We don’t want to drift into a new year just like we wouldn’t drift down a white-water river. Drifting leads to circles which leads to everything flipping over. Did you see Bird Box? We must be intentional about our growth.

Growth requires a mindset and a plan. In Carol Dweck’s book Mindsets, she describes two basic mindsets fixed and growth.
A fixed mindset assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static which we can’t change in any meaningful way.
A growth mindset, on the other hand, thrives on challenges and sees failure as a springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.

Check out Mindset book here.

Our lives are designed to grow. (Think Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.) God has created us in His image. We have His appearance and his character.
This must be developed.
God has also called us to work and care for His creation.
We are created to bring order to the chaos. We are called to create.
This will require us to grow/learn.

Growth is at the foundation of who we are.

Because we are multifaceted people, consider these five areas for growth.
Spiritual Life
Relational Life
Physical Life (Health)
Emotional Life (Mental Health)
Financial Life (Money-Career)

Let’s grow stronger and better in the new year!

This is part 1 of a series of post about developing a growth plan.


Grandpa’s Wisdom

My grandfather was an integral part of my life, Reverend L.H. Connor. He is a big reason I’m not locked up or dead. His wisdom has led me away from trouble and toward a purpose. Every chance I get I try to share a little of his ordinary wisdom.

Grandpa would say, “you have to be humble and honest if you want to live right.” Actually, I was in a lot of trouble with the law, and he said, “humility and honesty are your tickets out.” And he was right.

This is what I believe he was trying to tell me.

Be Humble.
You’re not all that important. Stop strutting around with your “bird chest” puffed out. People don’t owe you anything. Don’t walk into any situation with a chip on your shoulder. Turn your spotlight off, you’re not better than the next person. Learn to be soft and strong not loud and loose. Learn to listen. Humility is dethroning self-promotion.

Be Honest.
If you did it, you did it. You can’t lie your way free. Lies are like chains that bind you. One lie, no matter how small causes all you say to be questionable. You will never be perfect, but you can be honest. Healing and freedom follow honesty. Honesty is telling and living by the truth.

RIP Grandpa, thanks for sharing your wisdom.


What wisdom have you learned?