Tag Archives: NewYear

Goals and Habits

Growth Plan Part 2

I recently read an article that was encouraging goal setting. Which is a good idea that I practice. However, as I read the goals, I quickly thought these are not goals but rather habits.

For example, one goal was to complain less. We are all guilty of complaining too much. Complaining less would make our lives better. As I see it complaining less is a habit that needs to be developed.

Goals help develop healthy habits which lead to healthier lives.

If I want to complain less, I need to set a few goals to help develop this habit.

Complaining less Goals:
• Track how often you complain and about what.
• Write down three things a day you are grateful for.
• Every time you complain commit to doing something positive.

Goals are a specific task that have a fixed endpoint.
Goals help develop and maintain healthy habits.

Healthy Habits are actions that are engrained in us, that have become natural because of continued repetition. Healthy habits are the things we do without thinking.

I had a bad habit of listening to the news multiple times a day. Too much bad news (most news is bad news) will affect your life. I needed to change my habit. So, I set a goal to listen to a new podcast every time I was in the car. I also set a goal to read more books and to exercise more which took more time. So, I didn’t have the time to watch and listen to the news. My goals changed my habit.

Here are a few more examples:
Habit: Read Scripture
Goal: Read the Bible in a year
Habit: Exercise
Goal: run a 5k
Habit: Be more loving
Goal: Acts of kindness

Part of a good growth plan will include good goals that will develop healthy habits.

What goals are you going after? What habits are you trying to develop?

Growth Plan Part 1

Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning. Benjamin Franklin

Every year we have a new opportunity to revise our plans. At the end of one year, we can look back and examine what worked and what didn’t. Then make adjustments and grow into a new year.

We don’t want to drift into a new year just like we wouldn’t drift down a white-water river. Drifting leads to circles which leads to everything flipping over. Did you see Bird Box? We must be intentional about our growth.

Growth requires a mindset and a plan. In Carol Dweck’s book Mindsets, she describes two basic mindsets fixed and growth.
A fixed mindset assumes that our character, intelligence, and creative ability are static which we can’t change in any meaningful way.
A growth mindset, on the other hand, thrives on challenges and sees failure as a springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.

Check out Mindset book here.

Our lives are designed to grow. (Think Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy.) God has created us in His image. We have His appearance and his character.
This must be developed.
God has also called us to work and care for His creation.
We are created to bring order to the chaos. We are called to create.
This will require us to grow/learn.

Growth is at the foundation of who we are.

Because we are multifaceted people, consider these five areas for growth.
Spiritual Life
Relational Life
Physical Life (Health)
Emotional Life (Mental Health)
Financial Life (Money-Career)

Let’s grow stronger and better in the new year!

This is part 1 of a series of post about developing a growth plan.
