Tag Archives: Family Wisdom

Dating your Spouse?

Do you date your spouse? Think about this old verse in a popular song, “You gotta dance with the one that brought you!’ Ok, maybe it wasn’t a popular song but follow the thought. Dating got you and yours to the marriage alter. Dating will help sustain a level of health in your marriage.
Here are a few essentials of a fantastic date night.
Schedule it – everyone is so busy, and we must prioritize the importance of our relationships. Write it down! Send your spouse an invitation. Highlight the calendar.

Anticipate it – talk about how much fun it’s going to be. Send each other messages leading up to the date.
“I can’t wait to spend the evening out with you!”

Protect it – something always comes up. While a few things require you to reschedule, those things must be on a concise list.

Wisdom: don’t try to work things out on date night. Don’t use a date night to end a disagreement. Enjoy your time – plan to laugh, make out, dream, or stare into each other’s eyes. Focus on enjoying each other. You may need a predate night to talk things out.

Here is a great date night idea.
Schedule a trip to a town or city nearby that you usually don’t visit.
Look for a new restaurant and enjoy some fresh surroundings.

When was your last date night?


The Christmas season is here. Are you ready?

Isn’t it crazy how this season full of joy, hope, and celebration can cause so much stress? It seems like we work for Christmas rather than celebrate it. We will struggle through the season and after all is done, we can say “We Survived Christmas!” We get so wrapped up in the system of the season that stress is the norm.

What causes you stress during the season?

Here are a few simple reminders and a little ordinary wisdom that can help take the stress out of the season and keep Christmas alive.

Remember what Christmas is all about. Take a minute and watch this clip of Linus’s speech in the classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

Build Family Traditions. Every year we try to have friends over for a pancake breakfast. We also have a family tradition that includes unique tree ornaments and pjs. Memories over stuff.

Plan. Spending seems to be part of the system of Christmas. So, make sure you have a plan and a budget. Don’t give yourself debt to give someone a gift. Debt can happen when we give out of guilt or impulse spend.
I shared a few ideas for saving money here. Check it out.

Remember, Build, and Plan.

How do you keep the meaning of Christmas alive?

Grandpa’s Wisdom

My grandfather was an integral part of my life, Reverend L.H. Connor. He is a big reason I’m not locked up or dead. His wisdom has led me away from trouble and toward a purpose. Every chance I get I try to share a little of his ordinary wisdom.

Grandpa would say, “you have to be humble and honest if you want to live right.” Actually, I was in a lot of trouble with the law, and he said, “humility and honesty are your tickets out.” And he was right.

This is what I believe he was trying to tell me.

Be Humble.
You’re not all that important. Stop strutting around with your “bird chest” puffed out. People don’t owe you anything. Don’t walk into any situation with a chip on your shoulder. Turn your spotlight off, you’re not better than the next person. Learn to be soft and strong not loud and loose. Learn to listen. Humility is dethroning self-promotion.

Be Honest.
If you did it, you did it. You can’t lie your way free. Lies are like chains that bind you. One lie, no matter how small causes all you say to be questionable. You will never be perfect, but you can be honest. Healing and freedom follow honesty. Honesty is telling and living by the truth.

RIP Grandpa, thanks for sharing your wisdom.


What wisdom have you learned?