Category Archives: Uncategorized

Friday 5

Here are 5 things I found or that I have used this week.  11.30.18

Trademore – Buy devices or trade in phones, tablets & more. I traded an iPhone 6 that was just laying around the house for $85-95. I will update this post if everything goes smoothly. – I was searching for someone to repair a cracked screen on a iPhone. I stumbled across and set up an appointment for a technician to come to me! It was super easy and way cheaper than taking the phone to a store for repair.

UserTesting – Have you ever been to a website and thought this is poorly set up. Well if your willing to share your opinion you could make a little money. FYI there is an application process. – Use this app to look up prices for books you have just sitting around. I sold a book this week for $21.00 that I haven’t opened in year. Super easy to use.

The Gift: A Christmas Compilation – A good way to start the holidays!

What have you been doing this week?


Don’t Go Broke this Christmas

A January 2018 article on stated that shoppers in the U.S. racked up an average of $1,054 of debt this Christmas season — a 5% increase over 2017. A MagnifyMoney survey found 44% of shoppers racked up more than $1,000 in holiday debt, and 5% accumulated more than $5,000 in debt.

So, here are a few ideas to stay out of debt this Christmas.

Have a plan. Plan out who you are buying gifts for and what organization you will be giving too. Create a budget. How much are you going to give, spend etc?
Here’s a good tool.

Use technology to your favor. There are several great websites that will help you save money. Here are a few

Give your time. Babysit, clean, or do whatever you have the skill to do. Let your time be your gift.

Make something. If you’re crafty this may not be a problem for you. If not, get on youtube and learn how to make a birdhouse or whatever. One year I learned how to make a monkey fist keychain. (google it)
Make Treats. Almost everyone loves treats this time of year. So, bake something good to give.

Sell something. If you need a little extra cash. Don’t go into debt. Sell something on letitgo, offerup, or ebay. One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

Make a commitment. Write it down. Speak it out loud. I will not go into debt this Christmas. 

Christmas is a season for giving not a season for debt.


The Christmas season is here. Are you ready?

Isn’t it crazy how this season full of joy, hope, and celebration can cause so much stress? It seems like we work for Christmas rather than celebrate it. We will struggle through the season and after all is done, we can say “We Survived Christmas!” We get so wrapped up in the system of the season that stress is the norm.

What causes you stress during the season?

Here are a few simple reminders and a little ordinary wisdom that can help take the stress out of the season and keep Christmas alive.

Remember what Christmas is all about. Take a minute and watch this clip of Linus’s speech in the classic “A Charlie Brown Christmas.”

Build Family Traditions. Every year we try to have friends over for a pancake breakfast. We also have a family tradition that includes unique tree ornaments and pjs. Memories over stuff.

Plan. Spending seems to be part of the system of Christmas. So, make sure you have a plan and a budget. Don’t give yourself debt to give someone a gift. Debt can happen when we give out of guilt or impulse spend.
I shared a few ideas for saving money here. Check it out.

Remember, Build, and Plan.

How do you keep the meaning of Christmas alive?

Helping Others (Hurricane Michael)

LdVrXi68QL61sLrOh2IBVAPhotos speak a 1000 words but there are some photos that just don’t say enough. That was our experience recently helping a family after Hurricane Michael in Panama City.
“End of the World Stuff” I couldn’t think of a better way to describe the situation.

We experienced heat beyond belief, limited access to food, no running water, uncomfortable sleeping conditions (tents), and working to absolute exhaustion. But honestly, this brought great joy.

Do for one what you wish you could do for everyone. This was the principle that caused us to load a van with supplies and head to Panama City.

Speaking truth from experience…..You will only find true fulfillment in helping others.
When our thoughts are only about our needs we struggle. Then depression and anxiety are near at hand and refuse to be ignored.

A few takeaways from our mission.

We take simple things for granted. Simple things like running water, hot water, a hot meal, and air conditioning. All these things while simple, are a major part of my life. And at a moments notice could be taken away.Mbj4C4ooS5SJOjB6y74YpQ.jpg

Laughter is a good medicine. In the middle of all the destruction, we laughed. We worked and laughed. We ate and laughed. We traveled to take cold showers and laughed. Laughter truly kept us from being overwhelmed by the situation.

We can get lost in our comfortable lives.
It’s driving a new car, laying in an air-conditioned house in a king size bed on an iPhone with a fridge full of food that seems to cause us to question our purpose.
But we find purpose in helping others.
Oddly enough it seems our savior set it up this way.

Let the weak say I am strong
The poor say I am rich
Empty yourself to become full
Die to yourself to truly live

E9E5boj9SJKpHCXtZoLA.jpgDo for one what you wish you could do for everyone.

Don’t forget the victims!!

Support! Go! Give!


Great charity to support is Convoy of Hope.

Cycling Mistakes

When I was a kid all we did was ride bikes. Of course, back then the bike didn’t have gears or breaks for that matter. I guess this is where my love for cycling was born.
Now my exercise of choice is cycling. I routinely cycle 100 miles a week. It’s almost like a drug. If I don’t get on my bike one day I have withdraws.
I don’t pretend to be a pro. I ride a very average bike. My shorts, shirt, and socks usually don’t match. I have wrecked and fallen off my bike. But, I love it!

When I started riding a little more I made a few mistakes. Ignorant mistakes. I’m always grateful for cyclist willing to share wisdom. So, here is an average cyclist sharing three mistakes I made so you don’t have to.

Mistake One

Any bike will work. This is not true. I jumped on an old Huffy mountain bike and rode IMG_4029for what seemed like forever. I only went three or four miles. I was sore, tired and complaining. I believe I ended up pushing the bike back to the car. The bikes you buy at the big box stores are simply not built for long distances. I know the bikes are cheaper, but you will pay for it in other ways.

Find you a bike shop and invest in an entry level bike. I bought a Trek Madone series 2 over five years ago. The longest I have ridden it at one time was 75 miles and I didn’t want to cuss. It was well worth the investment.

Mistake Two

Gel Saddle Cover. If you thought about trying cycling, you might have seen those gel covers that go over your saddle. They are supposed to make your bum more comfortable. They don’t work. The truth is you don’t want extra things rubbing down there. Less is more. Yes, your bum is going to be sore. At least for the first little bit.
Find you some bike shorts. The spandex kind with the gel padding. This is the best thing for comfort. I felt strange wearing them at first but that to will subside. Also, make sure your seat is adjusted to the right height.

Mistake Three

No Goal. I just want to ride! I feel you! For the first 5 years, I would ride between 300 and 400 miles a year. I was just riding. I rode for distance. I said to myself, “I think I will ride 5 miles today.” So, year after year I didn’t get too far from the house. Until someone suggested I ride for time. You would be amazed how far you can go in 30 minutes. Then I actually set a yearly goal of 1000 miles in 2017. Which I hit on 10/31/17. My Goal for 2018 is 1500 miles which I completed in July 2018. Ride for time, not distance and set a yearly goal.

I made many other mistakes. Sometimes you just have to learn. But don’t let your mistakes stop you. Get out there and ride!

If you cycle, what mistakes have you made? If you want to start cycling and need any wisdom, don’t be afraid to ask.


Fighting Debt

Fighting Debt
I recently read an article that stated outstanding student debt has risen to 1.52 trillion. A 145% increase over the past 10 years. Americans owe more in student debt than credit cards and auto loans. You can read the article here. There needs to be a better way to further our education than raking in debt. Debt is something we should fight off!

And It’s worth the fight. Being overloaded with debt increases stress, which causes mental, physical and emotional issues. Debt has a way of controlling the way you live. It’s worth the fight to get out of debt.

“Never spend your money before you have it.”

Just as the rich rule the poor,
so the borrower is servant to the lender.
Proverbs 22:7 NLT

Fighting Debt

Step 1

Know where you are. It’s hard to fight what you don’t know. Review all your debts. List the balances, interest rates, and monthly payments.

Step 2

Choose your fight strategy. Snow Ball Calculator The Snow Ball strategy throws as much money at the lowest debt while paying the minimum on the others. Once that debt is paid, use the money toward the next debt. Therefore, creating momentum as you pay off debt.
Stacking strategy is focusing on the highest interest rate first.

Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity, but hasty shortcuts lead to poverty. Proverbs 21:5

Step 3

Sell something you’re not using. Use the apps Let it Go or Offer Up. A simple way to get a little extra cash to fight the debt.

Step 4

Earn extra income to fight with. Check this out.

Step 5

Change your lifestyle. Take a hard look at the way you live. Consider tracking your daily expenses. You may be surprised how much money your spending on crazy things. Cut, sell, downsize.

The fight is real. If you are in debt, you are fighting for your freedom. So, go ahead and stir up your inner William Wallace and let the revolt begin.braveheart


How do you fight off debt?