

This time of year is exciting! I think this is the one time of the entire year where change is most widely accepted. I’m sure you’ve seen all the New Year slogans and hashtags… Deck the halls with new resolutions. Tis’ the season to improve yourself. #newyearnewme #thisismyyear #startagain #becomingabetterme  

We all understand our goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. #SMARTGoals. We get it! But easier said than done.

According to, the practice of new year’s resolutions started some 4000 years ago with the Babylonians. They would make 

Promises to their gods to pay back debts and return anything borrowed (BTW, where’s my hedge trimmers?) They would also reaffirm their loyalties to the king.

Same story, new year.

Does this sound familiar to anyone?

In January, I’m motivated to achieve my goal to run a marathon this year. (insert any goal here) after running a few feet in January, I say, “it’s too cold to run; I will start running when it’s warmer” (insert any obstacle here.)

By February, life has gone back pre-new year resolution. #tryagainnextyear 

There has to be A better way. 

#nogoalsnewhabits Our habits are what shape us! If we desire a new shape or change, we need new habits! Considering habits, Think “being” over “doing!”  Example: I want to lose weight = doing. I desire to be healthier = being. Think lifestyle over time-frames. Example: Think, “I want to run a marathon this year” Instead, think “I want to be a runner!” 

Develop new habits, see a new you.  

Here is a shortlist of ideas to help you begin to develop healthy habits. 

  • Clarify the new habit. For some ideas, here is a quick link to 192 healthy habits.
  • Start where you are now, not where you want to be later on. You may want to be a runner, but you’re a walker right now. Small gains over some time bring huge returns. 
  • Practice keystone habits. Keystone habits can be defined as “small changes or habits that people introduce into their routines that unintentionally carry over into other aspects of their lives,” according to Charles Duhigg in his book, The Power of Habit. One of the easiest keystone habits is making your bed.  
  • Start new habits rather than stopping bad habits. Think “I want to change my diet” over “I have to stop eating fast food.” 
  • Share your habit with someone. There is power in the community!
  • Consider healthy habits for each area of your life. Spiritual, emotional, relational, financial, and physical. 
  • And most importantly, give yourself grace! We all miss the mark of the change we desire. Don’t give up! Embrace your humanity and keep at it. Someone wisely said, “Just because you miss one day of brushing your teeth doesn’t mean you give up on brushing them until next year!”

Every day you say yes to the new way, the habit you’re trying to form gets more established in your life.

If you're tired of starting over, stop giving up! Share on X

In this together,


What new habits can you develop in 2021?