
A centerpiece on a table sets the mood for the entire room. It’s the focal point of the room. With this in mind, consider the centerpiece of your heart.

What’s at the center of your life? What’s the focal point that sets the mood for your life? Everything flows through the center. The center is that “thing” that is most important to you. The thing you live for. Every decision and move you make are filtered through this center.

We will encounter problems when “things” that change are at the center.

We enter the crisis of change! Most of everything in our life changes. Change in itself isn’t awful, but when we live for “things” that keep changing, we end up living in a constant crisis. We have anxiety, we stress, we worry all because we know these “things” will eventually change.

So, here’s a better way.

Live for something that does not change.

I have found that in Jesus. He simply doesn’t change, his mission doesn’t change, and his charge doesn’t vary. When Jesus is at the center of my life, I find peace!

The key is to keep Jesus at the center. Everything in our life will fight for that center place. We must consistently self-evaluate to determine what is at the center. When anxiety, worry, and stress seem to be the norm, it may be time to re-center.

Evaluate these three areas:
Your passions. If Jesus is at the center, His desires become your passions.
Your faithfulness. When Jesus is at the center, we are simply more faithful. Faithful to the scripture, church, serving etc.
Your strength. Jesus gives power and renews strength. If Jesus is at the center, we will experience strength.

The best way to live is to have our family, success, jobs, desires to flow through Jesus. Then we find peace in the change. The centerpiece creates center-peace.