Cycling Mistakes

When I was a kid all we did was ride bikes. Of course, back then the bike didn’t have gears or breaks for that matter. I guess this is where my love for cycling was born.
Now my exercise of choice is cycling. I routinely cycle 100 miles a week. It’s almost like a drug. If I don’t get on my bike one day I have withdraws.
I don’t pretend to be a pro. I ride a very average bike. My shorts, shirt, and socks usually don’t match. I have wrecked and fallen off my bike. But, I love it!

When I started riding a little more I made a few mistakes. Ignorant mistakes. I’m always grateful for cyclist willing to share wisdom. So, here is an average cyclist sharing three mistakes I made so you don’t have to.

Mistake One

Any bike will work. This is not true. I jumped on an old Huffy mountain bike and rode IMG_4029for what seemed like forever. I only went three or four miles. I was sore, tired and complaining. I believe I ended up pushing the bike back to the car. The bikes you buy at the big box stores are simply not built for long distances. I know the bikes are cheaper, but you will pay for it in other ways.

Find you a bike shop and invest in an entry level bike. I bought a Trek Madone series 2 over five years ago. The longest I have ridden it at one time was 75 miles and I didn’t want to cuss. It was well worth the investment.

Mistake Two

Gel Saddle Cover. If you thought about trying cycling, you might have seen those gel covers that go over your saddle. They are supposed to make your bum more comfortable. They don’t work. The truth is you don’t want extra things rubbing down there. Less is more. Yes, your bum is going to be sore. At least for the first little bit.
Find you some bike shorts. The spandex kind with the gel padding. This is the best thing for comfort. I felt strange wearing them at first but that to will subside. Also, make sure your seat is adjusted to the right height.

Mistake Three

No Goal. I just want to ride! I feel you! For the first 5 years, I would ride between 300 and 400 miles a year. I was just riding. I rode for distance. I said to myself, “I think I will ride 5 miles today.” So, year after year I didn’t get too far from the house. Until someone suggested I ride for time. You would be amazed how far you can go in 30 minutes. Then I actually set a yearly goal of 1000 miles in 2017. Which I hit on 10/31/17. My Goal for 2018 is 1500 miles which I completed in July 2018. Ride for time, not distance and set a yearly goal.

I made many other mistakes. Sometimes you just have to learn. But don’t let your mistakes stop you. Get out there and ride!

If you cycle, what mistakes have you made? If you want to start cycling and need any wisdom, don’t be afraid to ask.
