How to Enjoy Life

How many of us have heard or said “this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it” then said BUT. But, I’m too busy. But, I worry. But, my boss doesn’t like me. But, my dog is sick. But, (insert your biggest but) While all these things and more can cause life to be difficult, there are a few things you can do to enjoy life:

Live in the present.

We can get so wrapped up in the stress of tomorrow that we miss the good things of today or,  w
e can get tied up in our past failures that we can’t seem to appreciate any good today.  So, live in the present. Can you slow down to see the good things all around you? The small things, like enjoying your favorite food or listening to your favorite music. Food and music always bring me joy! Be present in your life. I believe we can get so caught up in other people’s lives via social media that we miss the people who are present in our life. Learn to enjoy the people in front of you.

Practice – Pack your favorite food for lunch. Create a playlist of all your favorite songs.

Get a Hobby

Watching TV or spending hours on social media are not good hobbies. If you have a hobby I would suggest that you engage in it, at some level, several times a week. A hobby is a simple activity that you would enjoy. Something fun. A good hobby will challenge your mind. It will also help you enjoy life. If you don’t have a hobby here are a few ways to discover one.

What did you like to do as a kid? Try a few different things like painting, cooking, exercising (which you should be doing anyway, but some people are crazy and make it into a hobby). Start small and leave room for growth.


Let’s be honest, we are simply way too connected. I have learned first-hand that the more media you consume the worst your life will be. Take the news. If you watch it or read about it consistently anxiety and fear have a way of finding you.

Social media constantly asks for your attention. One report said the average user on FaceBook spends about 41 minutes day on their apps. When we spend 41 minutes looking at other people’s highlights we can begin to feel pressure to measure up. Or feel like our life simple isn’t that good. This will not help you enjoy life. So, be intentional about unplugging. Practice – Don’t eat with your phone. Leave your phone behind when engaging in your hobby. When you have family and friends around be present.

Don’t Stress!! Don’t strive for perfection.

You will never be as skinny as you want to be. You will probably never be as rich as you want to be. Your children will never act exactly the way you want them to. Your house will probably never be as clean as you think it should be. Everybody is not going to like you…And that’s all ok. We are a work in progress. Enjoy the journey!


Tell us how you enjoy life.